If you are interested in joining our team, please fill out an 'Employment Application' and get it back to us.
We are always looking for friendly, self-motivated individuals 16-years or older to work at the playfield.
Hell Survivor's Instructors will train you to be a Hell Survivors Certified Game Official, even if you have no prior paintball or referee experience. Hell Survivors offers an extensive training program complete with a certification exam.
Hell Survivors also offers a complete Referee 'Tools of the Trade' Package available to purchase at a substantially reduced cost.
What to expect after applying to be a Ref?
When you apply our team will reach out to you to set up your interview. Your interview will include 2 parts: We will meet you, go over your availability and any questions you have and what the position requires, from there you will interview as a test run Ref with a simulated game to see if you are comfortable with being a Ref with real games. This helps you and us know if it is a fit! Being a Ref is a fun position but requires a lot of attention and alertness, we want to make sure you are comfortable and ready before we proceed. From there if you found it was something you can do and everything works out with scheduling we will proceed with the hiring process and get you on the schedule and ready for training with real players and games!
We are also looking for experienced Cashiers, Bar Tenders and Retail Salespersons from time to time.
Be sure to fill out every line asked.
Email it to us at: Play@HellSurvivors.com or Drop it off directly with the Playfield Manager.